Through this site I am grateful for one more way to reach out to my past clients, friends, and, of course, to people I have yet to meet. Believe it or not, this is also a great way for me to stay in touch with my family (which is spread out from Florida to Virginia!) In the paragraphs below, I’ll tell you a little about myself (my background, how I came to live and work at the beach, etc.).
This business of real estate has always intrigued me. After graduating from American University in Washington, DC, I went into banking and ended up managing a branch office for the then Citizen’s Bank & Trust. Just prior to that I had been a bank teller – this is where I met a man named Urban Donnelly (he changed the course of my life). Urban managed a real estate company in Aspen Hill at the time and came into the bank where I worked. We spoke many times before I decided to pursue my real estate license, and then later joined his firm on a part time basis. Later he became a Top Producing Realtor with Long & Foster in Silver Spring, and I moved on to associate with Long & Foster in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Interestingly, a few years ago Urban (whom I had not communicated with in probably 30 plus years) did a name search on himself and found his name in my website and reached out to me. I got to thank him again for all that he did to help me in my career. Such a blessing.
My Mom, Dad, Sister and I visited the Outer Banks on vacation every year for many years … kind of got in our blood. In the early ’80’s my Dad, Charlie, remarried and relocated to Kitty Hawk with his wife Pat, and later (in 1985), I moved here. I was soon followed by my sister, Jeanne, and her husband; and then by my Mom, Jan. I like to call it a “mass exodus” to Carolina (no more Beltway mania).
Now, 1985 was not that long ago in years, but it was centuries ago in technology. Lets see … NO Multiple Listing, No Voice Mail, No Fax Machines, No Computers, No E-mail, No Cell phones, and NO INTERNET! The only word that comes to mind is “Wow!”
I have watched our little Beach grow into a thriving year round economy. Back then, the only “traffic” you had to wait for when making a turn on or off the main highway was the “deer.’ Now it is even busy in January!
During my real estate career here on the Outer Banks, one of the questions I am often asked is how I came to be known as “The SANDMAN.” In the late ’80’s, I was working with a couple who were looking at Oceanside Lots in Duck, a sandy dune area. The wife turned to me on the spur of the moment and said “You sell sand … You’re the Sandman”! I kind of liked it and have used it ever since. And boy has it worked! People I talk too sometimes cannot remember my real name, but they remember “The SANDMAN.” This was never more obvious to me than when I called a fellow REALTOR® at his home to discuss an offer. His then 12 year old son answered the phone … when I asked for his Dad, and told him my name, “John Leatherwood,” he responded …”oh, the Sandman!” I thought wow even my competitions’ kids know me. I guess its working!
I believe that my success, in addition to my continuous efforts to provide superior marketing, sound advice, and personal service, is due to my commitment to my clients. Whether someone is purchasing an Oceanfront property in the $3M plus range or a home in the $400,000 range, I want that person to receive the very best service in the market. It must be working, for I have received so many nice letters from past clients … see “Testimonials” on the Home Page where you will see some of the letters I have received.
So … although I feel I work all the time I do enjoy time away. I love to take short trips to explore new places. I love to do anything with my (now Adult) progeny – 1 son, and 2 daughters. I also enjoy the beach of course, and the occasional round of golf at the Pointe or Carolina Club courses. I have had a lifelong love of motorcycles and currently have a Goldwing which I like to ride … mostly locally. One day I would like to ride across this great Country of ours (and back!) and see what I see. I had always had a plan to do this with my “brother from another mother” Dave Filler – my lifelong best bud. Recently I have gotten back into tennis and love it. It allows me to get great exercise and has opened the door to meeting so many new and awesome people. The OBX Tennis Community is filled with the greatest folks I’ve ever met.
I also enjoy a good book. About 2004, I began to do some writing of my own. This was a cathartic process for me which ended up morphing into a book which I titled: “Man Alive – What it Means to be a Man of God”. The front cover footer reads: “For Men Only – Prompting the Hearts and Minds of men to The Path for a Life of Excellence”. *** You can Google “Man Alive – John Leatherwood”, or search by ISBN#9781498490986. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and available in Kindle format. Published by Xulon Press, a part of Salem Media Group, with release date of 12/13/16.
I continue to be blessed in my work which I still enjoy with a passion. I get to meet so many interesting people each year. It is a good thing when a person really enjoys what they do because then even though it is work (which can be challenging) … it is never boring! 🙂
I hope you will find this Website interesting and informational. Please email me with any questions. I look forward to being of service to you one day with your real estate needs here on the …
OUTER BANKS of North Carolina.
John “The Sandman”
252-202-3834 Cell Direct